Saturday, February 13, 2010


I think this should be my newest feature. In an earlier post, I considered posting about the progress I'm making on my papers. Usually, though, I'm unhappy with the progress I make on my papers, or perhaps I don't want to disclose how little I actually accomplished on a given day. At any rate, I haven't posted about them until now. 

As for my main ULWR paper, it pains me - literally causes me physical anxiety to write this - but I haven't worked on my ULWR. This is the beast. I need to do it to graduate. So, it might be (almost certainly is) that I've placed a huge amount of pressure on myself to do this well. Naturally, it will pretty good. The question is: will it be very good? 

As to my ILPC paper that is actually due very soon, I worked on it for 8 hours today. I composed a decent full draft of about 3/4 of the paper. The remaining 1/4 is the important part: federal pre-emption, which is the (best?) friend of the enemy of state law. Try reconciling federal pre-emption with a plain reading of the 10th Amendment, and get back to me on that someday.

I worked on both papers for zero hours on Friday. Mainly, I took the dog for a walk and cleaned the house on Friday. I also watched the Olympics. 

So, here's the timesheet:

2 hours: Criminal Procedure readings
3 hours: Worked on ILPC paper (research and writing blurbs)
5 hours: classes

4 hours: Worked on ILPC paper

4 hours: worked on ILPC paper
2 hours: Criminal Procedure readings
2 hours: classes

2 hours: Walked the dog

8 hours: Worked on ILPC paper (composing)

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