Thursday, January 28, 2010

Upcoming blog posts: Native American organ donation?!?

I need to write a big paper because it is a law school graduation requirement. I was advised from Day One to not wait until the final semester to do so, which is good advice that I nonetheless ignored: I'm in my final semester. 

I've decided to blog about writing the paper, which could very well be published in the Michigan State University Journal of Medicine and Law, of which I am the business editor. The subject of the paper is whether Native American tribes could legally set up a Native-preference organ donation matching service. At first blush, the answer looks like "no," but making the easy legal argument is not as much fun as the novel theory. 

I figure I can kill two birds: continue to blog, and work on my paper. It's a win-win for me, and maybe for you, too. 

Relatedly, I have told no one yet (except Her) about this blog. I promised myself to wait until I have blogged regularly for awhile before blabbing. I think I will wait at least one more week. This is in stark contrast to Her approach: She started a blog, wrote one post, and told Her world on Facebook. 

Barely relatedly, I will investigate alternative methods for writing blog posts. Right now I'm just using Gmail, which works OK, but I can't tag my posts this way (I don't think). Other than that, I like blogging from e-mail because I already check and write e-mail, so it's one less barrier to blogging, eh? 

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